Our Mares

At the heart of every breeding program is the broodmares. The quality of mares can make or break a breeding program and we are thrilled to have such an incredible collection of mares!

Om el Basira

El Nabila B x Om el Beshara Estopa

"Basira" is a beautiful mare, a daughter of the world famous El Nabila B! She's out of a daughter of Om el Shahmaan which made her the perfect fit to our program. She's tall, ethereal in her type, with a huge stride and she stands an impressive 15.2!

Shaklana VII

*EL Shaklan x Arianna Bey VO

"Lainey" is a beautiful mare, an illustrious daughter of the legendary stallion El Shaklan, she boasts an incredible damline as well, her dam sired by Bey Shah with lines with Sidi Brahim and Fadjur!

We have been thrilled with the offspring from this incredible mare. She's currently on lease to Laura Mayes for a performance career.

Shahdeen's Izabelle

Shahdeen x Encountars Ahna

Izzy is one of our best mares bringing an interesting and unusual combination of Russian and Spanish breeding. She's an exotic mare with lots of chrome and correct conformation and movement.

Om el Bahsa

Lawrence El Gazal x Om el Bellafiore

"Legs" is a beautiful mare, a daughter of the incomparable Lawrence El Gazal and out of the Sanadik El Shaklan daughter, Om el Bellafiore. Legs has a tail female to Estopa and stands a whopping 15.3hh!

More Mares coming soon!